Turnips 2 Tangerines: Maple Snow Candy and Maple Butter

February 6, 2016

Maple Snow Candy and Maple Butter

On the Menu Today~
Maple Snow Candy
Maple Butter

Have an excess amount of Snow?
Looking for something fun to do with all that snow??
Why not make Maple Snow Candy!

Kids and Grand-kids alike,
will have so much fun making
Maple Snow Candy~

Waaay back when,
I read the
'Little House on the Prairie' books.
In one of the books...
I can't quite remember exactly which book it was but
I think it was the first volume, 'Little House in the Big Woods'
Laura and her family made 'Maple Syrup Candy'

I always loved the description of making maple syrup candy and
I have wanted to make this sweet treat ever since.
The book 'Little House in the Big Woods' is about
Laura and her family living in the 'Big Woods'...
of Wisconsin, Pepin Wisconsin to be more exact.

Since Turnips 2 Tangerines is located in the
'Big Woods' of Wisconsin,
we thought we'd share some facts about
Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Have A Sweet Day~

I found this wonderful and informative video on you tube...
Following the Trail of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little Houses.
We have never been to Pepin WI but after watching this video,
it's definitely something I would like to do.

Maple Syrup Time~
On frigid mornings in March,
when snow still blankets the ground and
icicles dangle from the branches of maple trees...
It's time to harvest the first crop of the new year,
It's maple syrup time.

In a good season as much as 70,000 gallons of sap can be collected from
several thousand of  tapped trees.
That's enough to make 1,750 gallons of maple syrup.
When the days and nights stay above freezing,
the harvest season comes to an end.

All that's left to do is enjoy the sweet syrup.
For an afternoon of fun,
find a local sugarhouse and
watch how maple syrup is gathered and
turned into pure maple syrup.

Maple Snow Candy

  • 1 large bowl of clean snow
  • 1 cup maple syrup (needs to be 100% pure maple syrup)
Cooking Directions
  1. Take a large bowl or baking sheet with sides and fill it with just-fallen, clean snow.
  2. Pack it down so you have a firm, flat snow surface.
  3. Set it in your freezer or leave it outside to keep it cold.
  4. In a small saucepan, ideally a saucepan with a pouring lip, bring the maple syrup to a boil over medium-high heat, boil until it reaches soft-ball stage on a candy thermometer. Working quickly, pour the hot syrup onto the snow, allow it to cool and harden slightly and then enjoy!

When we made maple syrup candy,
we used a light amber maple syrup,
that we purchased at:
Bear Paw Scout Camp
Bear Paw Scout Camp is
nestled in the middle of the Nicolet National Forest in
Northeastern Wisconsin. 

For a richer flavor,
use a darker variety of maple syrup
such as a Grade B.

Didn't know maple syrup was graded?
The United States recognizes five grades of maple syrup.
They are classified by color,
based on the amount of light that comes through the syrup.
The lower darker grades have a stronger flavor than the light ones.

Light Transmittance/Grade
75 percent or more/Grade A/Light Amber
60.5 to 75.9 percent/Grade A/Medium Amber
44 to 60.4 percent/Grade A/ Dark Amber
27 to 43.9 percent/Grade B

Maple syrup is so versatile.
Here are just a few things to make with maple syrup:

Maple Upside Down Cake
Maple Granola
Maple Glazed Carrots and
Maple Caramelized Potatoes

Maple Butter

  • 2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
Cooking Directions
  1. Beat together softened butter, honey and maple syrup.
  2. Shape into a 1-inch diameter log.
  3. Wrap in plastic wrap.
  4. Chill in the refrigerator.

Serve with: pancakes, waffles, french toast or
drizzle over popped popcorn

Maple SyrupButter

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