Turnips 2 Tangerines: Easy Caramel Apples

October 5, 2013

Easy Caramel Apples

On the Menu Today~
Easy Caramel Apples

Fall Brings Apple Season.

Fall is here and
that brings Apples~

I stopped at Everflow Apple Orchard and picked up some apples.
I always like to pick up several different varieties and
they have over 44 varieties of apples to choose from.
Plus, you get to sample as many apples as you want.

I like to combine 2 or 3 varieties of apples
whenever I make apple pies,
apple crisp, apple pie filling and applesauce.
I think combining different varieties,
makes for a better tasting pie and crisps or
in whatever your making.

Everflow sells apples, pears, plums, eggs,
jam, jelly, vegetables, apple cider and....

...the absolutely best caramel sauce I have ever eaten.
This wonderful sauce comes from Ecker's Apple Farm
located in Trempealeau WI.

Ecker's Apple Farm,
is famous not only for their apples and
gourmet caramel sauce but
for their caramel apple pies...
All made right on the farm...

Today, we are on our way to Bayfield WI.
We are going to the Bayfield Apple Fest and
this will be our first time attending the festival.
It's located at the furthermost tip of Wisconsin, on Lake Superior.
Bayfield, Wisconsin.
While visiting Bayfield,
we might take the ferry to The Madeline Islands,
something I have always wanted to do.

The Bayfield Apple Fest has,
Apple butter, Apple pie,
Apple cookies, Apple bratwurst,
Apple wine and even an Apple ale!!

To get myself  "in the mood" for apple fest,
I decide to make myself a caramel apple.
This might seem odd but
I have never liked eating a
caramel apple off of a popsicle stick.

Biting into a round apple,
smeared in thick caramel,
while sitting on a stick....
Well, you get the picture...
Messy, not to mention the dental aspect...

Even when I was young,
I always had my mom take out the stick and
cut it up for me....
and now....
at my age....
with my teeth...never!
Even though I'm sure my Dentist would love it
if I took a big bite out of a caramel apple..
Cha Ching!

{Easy} Caramel Apples

  • 2 apples
  • 2 to 4 tablespoons (or more) good caramel sauce, warmed in the microwave for a few seconds
  • 2 to 4 tablespoons chopped nuts, (Spanish peanuts, pecans)
  • 1 dollop whipped cream or frozen whipped topping, thawed
Cooking Directions
  1. Wash and core apples.
  2. Cut up and place in serving bowl.
  3. Drizzle with warmed caramel sauce.
  4. Sprinkle on nuts.
  5. Add a dollop of whipped cream or cool-whip.

Apples, Caramel

*Apple poster: All Posters   
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