Turnips 2 Tangerines: Five Great Tips To Afford Healthy Food For Kids

October 25, 2015

Five Great Tips To Afford Healthy Food For Kids

5 Great Tips to Afford Healthy Food For Kids

We, as mothers, want to take care of our children as much as possible and as healthy as possible. And so, we need to take a better look at the food we are giving them too. But since healthy food usually costs tons of money, not all of us can afford healthy meals for our little ones. In fact, there are at least three tips how you can make it a lot less expensive. Intrigued? I bet! Bellow you will find these tips. With these tips, you can forget about spending hundreds of dollar on groceries. At the end of the day, it is an era of money-saving, and you must do everything that is presented for you to achieve this goal.
Expand your shopping to new horizons and…
And by that I mean that you should start looking for more modern and alternative ways how to buy healthy products. So - one of the new and super cool ways how to do it is to shop on the web. Since the whole internet is full of thousands bargain deals, you can always find a way how to purchase healthy food cheaper too. Many online sellers carry the same brands seen in grocery stores for discounted prices. And it is the exact place there you should start shopping. Just be sure to buy several items to take advantage of free shipping or use special ‘free shipping’ coupons. 
…Shop with coupons
On the other hand, since we started to talk about coupons, there are some special bargain deals websites full of these coupons. Along with promo codes and other ways how you can afford healthy food cheaper too. One of these websites is my recently discovered ChameleonJohn. There you can find many specialized grocery stores that sell healthy meals and get a special coupon to shop there cheaper. Not to forget about thousands of other brands’ coupons you can found in there too. For example, these Target’s coupons from ChameleonJohn.com too. Just know where to look for it (and since I just showed you this – you are fine) and you can serve healthy meals for your kids a lot cheaper instantly.
Go local and…
I can bet that somewhere in your community you can go and shop at farmers’ markets and get the freshest, healthiest organic products at a significantly smaller price range than in stores. Many people think that shopping at the local farmer's market is more expensive than buying in the grocery store. But that is the opposite of true if you shop smart! If you are willing to buy in bulk and can, dry, or freeze the meals, you will always be able to save money and enjoy healthy meals for long.
…Buy in whole
Also, in these local markets you can buy a whole chicken, fish, or other smaller animals in whole. And so – this cost a lot less. Since many retailers tend to value their work of cutting by money, they do tend to make prices a little bit bigger. So why pay for a thing you can do by yourself? Buy meat products, cheeses, and other larger products uncut and you will be able to enjoy fresh and ingredients cheaper without a doubt.
Start growing your food

Finally, if you have a chance then always try to grow your food as much as it is possible. A small vegetable or herbs garden won’t take too much of your precious space, and it will provide you with fresh and free products during the bigger part of the year. You can either do it at home if you live in a flat or make it outdoors. You will spend more time in fresh air, and you will be able to feel that incredible sensation then you put your hands in the dirt. So – try this out if you have conditions for that, and you might even get a new fun hobby too!  

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