Turnips 2 Tangerines: Sourdough Love

July 24, 2012

Sourdough Love

On the Menu Today~
A few things to know about Sourdough~

I love sourdough bread.
I always have.
For many years,
I worked at a restaurant that was well known for their sourdough bread.
That is where my love for Sourdough began...
I'm happy to say, it didn't end there.

We love the tang and
the chewy texture you get from Sourdough Bread.
Sourdough bread also toasts well and
it's great for grilled cheese sandwiches and panini's.

I have always wanted to make sourdough bread and
yeast breads, all bakery goodies in general, really.
For some reason yeast and
making bread always scared the bejesus out of me...
So I keep putting if off...
I finally decided to learn more about sourdough,
sourdough starters and bread baking in general.
I am so very glad I did.

I have made a few "bricks" of bread,
"hockey puck rolls" and
a few "endeavors" even my dogs wouldn't eat!

But I'm happy to say that has finally ended!
With much trial and error
I can safely say that I can make an edible loaf of bread.

My favorite bread to make is of course, Sourdough.
When I'm ready to make bread, rolls,
scones or even pizza crust,
I take out the jar of starter,
bring it to room temperature,
stir the contents
dump out half,
feed it with 1 cup flour and
1 cup room temperature bottled water,
stir to combine,
cover the jar with gauze or cheesecloth and
let it sit on the counter top for 12 hours.
Then I repeat the process again
until the starter is nice and bubbly.
When it becomes active,
It's now ready to use.

Once you have your starter going,
the possibilities are endless.
Below you will find a list of recipes that
we have made using our sourdough starter.

We have also listed links for directions
on how to start your own sourdough starter,
how to keep your starter going and
recipes for making sourdough bread.

Sourdough Information~
Week-end Bakery
Friends of Carl

Sourdough Information~
Sourdough Coffee Cake and a Start
Sourdough Starters
Rye Sourdough Starter
Rye Sourdough Bread

Sourdough Recipes from Turnips 2 Tangerines~
Sourdough Zucchini Nut Bread
Sourdough Monkey Bread
Sourdough Blintzes
Sourdough Beignets
Sourdough Pancakes
Sourdough Biscuits
Whole Wheat Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls
Blueberry Banana Sourdough Scones


