Turnips 2 Tangerines: Brie Fondue

May 19, 2015

Brie Fondue

On the Menu Today~
Brie Fondue~

In the 50's, 60's and 1970's, fondue parties became very popular and
fondue was a popular dish served for dinner parties.
Couples sipped Frisky Sours..
while standing around the communal fondue pot..
dipping chunks of stale bread into ooey, gooey, melted cheese.
Sounds like fondue fun to me.

The fondue craze really took off in the 1970's,
due in part to the hassle-free life-style and easygoing entertaining,
that fit right into the pantsuit way of life.

Disco music, platform shoes, mini skirts and leisure suits.
Ahhh, the good ol' days...

Cheese fondue has always been popular,
with chocolate fondue coming in at a close second.
The Swiss and French still serve fondue on a regular basis.

Fondue originated in Switzerland
as a way of using harden cheese and stale bread.
Deriving from the French verb, fondre, meaning "to melt"
Fondue is a classic peasant dish.

Traditional fondue is made with Gruyere cheese,
dry white wine and then melted in a communal pot.
Cherry Brandy is often added and
stale pieces of bread are dipped into the melted cheese.
Marshmallows, fruit or small cookies
are dipped onto melted chocolate fondue.

8 Fun Fondue Party Tips~

#1: How Much Food Will You Need~

Figure about 1 pound of food per person.
Which equals:
20- one-inch cubes of bread or cake cubes
8 oz meat
6 oz fish or seafood
4-6 oz cheese
6-8 oz fruits and vegetables
2-4 oz dried fruit
4 cookies
2-3 oz dessert cake

#2: Serve Bite Size Pieces~

Fondue food should be served in one or two bite pieces.
Such as:
Large Marshmallows
Medium Shrimp
Large Scallops
Small cookies
Bread and cake should be cut into
1-inch cubes
Cut meat into 1/2 to 1 inch cubes

#3: Fondue Pots~

Use Ceramic fondue pots for: cheese, chocolate or dessert fondue recipes.
Metal fondue pots for: broth, oil, wine or beer fondue recipes

#4: Use the Right Liquid~

Use flavorful liquids only.
Such as: broth, beer, or wine.
Never use water.
When using wine in your cheese fondue,
use a dry or semi-dry wine.
This helps break down the proteins in the cheese and
will help the cheese to melt smoothly.

#5: If necessary; Cook Sauce on the Stove-top first~

Prepare fondue recipes on the stove-top first, if needed.
Some instances will call for making the sauce ahead of time.
Transfer the sauce to the fondue pot,
when the sauce is ready to be served.

# 6: Never let your fondue boil in the pot~

Keep cheese and dessert fondue at a low temperature,
about 120 degrees.
Oil for frying should be kept at 375 degrees.

# 7: Observe Fondue Etiquette~

Always remember, you are dipping into a communal pot.
No double dipping allowed, Ever.
Have the proper utensils readily available.
Long bamboo skewers, small plates,
extra forks, knifes, napkins and
damp tea-towels all come in handy.

# 8: Mix Cheese of the Same Family~

Here are a few examples:
*Cheddar, Colby, Longhorn
*Gruyere, Edam, Gouda
*Provolone, Mozzarella
*Blue Cheese, Roquefort,
*Parmesan, Romano
*Cream, Neufchatel, Ricotta
*Brie, Camembert, Limburger

Brie Fondue

  • 1 pound brie cheese, outer crust removed and cubed
  • 1 clove garlic, halved
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 3/4 cup dry white wine
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon each salt and pepper
  • 2 tablespoons brandy
  • 1 loaf Italian or French bread, cut into 1-inch cubes
Cooking Directions
  1. In a medium bowl, mix cubed brie with flour. Set aside.
  2. Rub the inside of the fondue pot with garlic halves.
  3. Turn the fondue pot on low or turn temperature dial to 200º Add the wine and warm up. (Don't let it boil) Add the cheese, half cup at a time. Increase the temperature slightly. (Don't let it boil) With a wooden spoon, mix well then stirring constantly, until all the cheese has been added and the mixture is smooth. Add the cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, salt and pepper.  (Do not let the mixture boil) Add the brandy. Mix well. Turn temperature dial to warm.
  4. Serve with bread cubes.
*If the mixture is to thick, add more wine
*If the mixture is to thin, add more cheese.
*Brie Fondue is made with: La Bonne Vie Brie Cheese

Have you ever heard of
The Melting Pot?

The Melting Pot is an Unique
Dinning Experience featuring
Read more about it here~ The Melting Pot

The Melting Pot
Restaurant is located on
College Ave in Appleton WI

If your traveling to the
Fox Valley Area this summer
Stop by The Melting Pot and
Take a Dip~

*The views expressed here are those of Turnips 2 Tangerines.
*This is not a sponsored post*

Brie, Fondue, Cheese

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